Dear Stone Harbor Property Owners,
Now is the time to renew your SHPOA membership for calendar year 2016. As always, we rely on your support to keep you informed of activity in your shore community. We continue to advocate for non-resident owners through information gathering and surveys. Through our various means of communications (e-mail blasts, Facebook, expanded website, etc.), you have been kept abreast of meaningful news about Stone Harbor. Back bay dredging, the Atlantic City Electric Peermont utility pole project, the new library, Snowstorm Jonas and the consequent flooding are just a few of the topics of which the organization has apprised its members. These, among other issues, are critical to all property owners and you need current and constant information.
SHPOA remains committed to our member owners. We value your input/feedback and wish to keep our communication lines open. Please help by renewing your membership today.
You can accomplish this by sending your renewal check of $25.00 to the address below. You can also go to and click on “Join the SHPOA” and use “Pay Online”. Please insure that that your information on file is accurate and that you add your Stone Harbor address to your payment.
Thank you in advance for your continued support.

SHPOA Membership Committee