Hint – page numbers are from the Book “Stone Harbor One Hundred Years of The Seashore At Its Best”
- Let’s start in a popular spot where the Moth, the Cheetah, the Comet, and the Flying Scot all came to dock…p242
- Stone Harbor was developed by the South Jersey Realty Company, which was led by the Risley brothers. A bungalow on 92nd Street still stands (updated) where David Risley made Stone Harbor plans …p19. (your best photo opportunity may be from the south parking lot of the #1 popular spot)
- Go a little North…and find the cove…where Smugglers may have brought their trove…p281
- Moving south some smugglers ran rum during Prohibition. This led to a Stone Harbor institution where rum raisin kept the law at bay making everyone’s day…p274
- The Risleys’ kept developing their upscale resort bringing a reliable water supply. Today the pumping in this “oldest” Borough owned building…keeps those outdoor showers humming…p23
- Building an Island Resort from scratch needed labor to match. The Risleys’ recognized the need for moderately priced one bedroom bungalows that would help Stone Harbor grow…show us the sight down one of the bungalow rows….p100
- Continue south to where birds embark and fresh water and sea water ponds abut. Show us your crew with a Paul’s Pond View…p154
- 600 pilings, 19 car loads of lumber and 118 working days and many mini miracles led to this modest beautiful retreat that the storm of ‘62 and Sandy could not defeat. (Extra points for “Sisters”) …p104
- For us beachgoers the Borough waged a battle with the DEP finally winning our right to stand at the “stands”…p60
- The first solar home in Stone Harbor literally grew out of the ashes. It was a new architect’s first commission and was the beginning of his “LegaSea”…at 1st and 103rd the utility bills average $ 25/month…go see. p125
- You are almost done with all this fun now make one last run. Visit our place where children participate in the Easter Egg Hunt, Fire Camp and Monday Night festivities…(Extra points for firefighters and EMS) p18
First Place Team “Bracelet 6”
Team Leader Marianne Purdy. Team Members Samantha Brace, Megan Brace, Jessica Brace, Shane Brace, Colton Brace and Rayann Purdy