As a courtesy to our SHPOA Members, we’re bringing you this summary of the Stone Harbor Work Session and Council Meeting on July 6, 2021.
Work Session Meeting
Mayor Davies-Dunhour began by congratulating the entire Borough team for an excellent July 4th set of events including “spectacular” fireworks and a live broadcast on Fox 29 from the Recreation Center in Stone Harbor! Kudos were also given to all Public Safety employees for keeping it a safe weekend for all.
It was reported that the Beach Patrol building bid opening has been postponed to July 13th at 2pm. In addition, the Paddle Tennis courts being constructed on 96th St are 95% complete.
Beach Tag sales were reported to be 5-10% above 2019 sales for the same time period.
The Villa Maria Developer’s Agreement is close to being completed and will be presented as a resolution at the next Council meeting.
Three draft ordinances were reviewed at the Work Session, all for potential introduction at the Council meeting on July 20th. They can all be reviewed in the document at
Planning Board discussions over the past three years have resulted in a proposed ordinance for a zoning change for the “Courts” (Bower Court, Weber Court, Stone Court) and Linden Lane. The primary proposed changes would allow for the construction of a 2nd floor while at the same time requiring that any existing structure be brought into compliance with the current zoning code. While this ordinance will be introduced at the Council Meeting on July 20, additional readings and a final vote is expected at the Council Meeting on August 3. A draft of this proposed ordinance can be reviewed on Pages 2 to 11 of the above referenced document.
A draft ordinance for 5G Wireless Telecommunications Equipment Installation was reviewed and can be found on Pages 12 to 21. The ordinance is consistent with what Avalon is doing and with NJ state legislation that is being considered.
A revised draft ordinance on Water & Sewer to simplify and clarify charges was discussed and can be reviewed on Pages 22 to 61.
Council Meeting
Please note that at every Council Meeting individuals are offered an opportunity to share their perspectives on any proposed ordinance being considered, or any other matter of concern. Participation in Council Meetings can be in person at Borough Hall or by Zoom, where the link can be found in the Public Meetings section at
During the Public Comments period at the July 6 meeting, local residents had comments about the following:
A request for additional Pickleball courts in order to accommodate the increased demand being seen. In addition, two existing courts have been reserved by Borough recreation, thereby further reducing the amount of available courts. A petition with 253 signatures was submitted (which included 144 tax payers) requesting additional Pickleball courts.
There were comments made regarding the impact of introducing fog lines at Weber Court.
A comment was made about the condition of Stone Harbor beaches especially at high tide between 106th and 111th streets. There are beach access issues, safety issues, concession stands that are 10 ft in the air, no life boat at 108th St., and concerns about emergency vehicle access at high tide. The importance of taking care of our beaches was emphasized.
Ordinances that were approved:
Authorizing Mayor to sign an Agreement of Sale for 514 North Wildwood Road and 504 Pershing Avenue in Middle Township for $1.9 million in order to house a number of Public Works operations at an appropriate location off Seven Mile Island.
Amending the wage for seasonal hourly rated employees to range from minimum wage to a maximum of $30 per hour.
Authorizing the Borough’s Code Enforcement Officer’s ability to enforce irrigation schedules.
Select Resolutions that were approved:
Non-profit financial assistance of $1,000 to the Marine Mammal Stranding Center and $2,500 to Cape Volunteers in Medicine.
Creation of a Plan Endorsement Citizen’s Advisory Committee consisting of 7 members to serve at the pleasure of the Mayor to serve as the liaison with state, county, and regional agencies and make recommendations to the Planning Board.
A grant of Conservation Restriction/Easement for Villa Maria.
Select motions that were approved include:
A Pickleball Pro event on July 21 & 22.
An amendment to the bidding timeline for the Beach Patrol Headquarters for a possible award on July 20.
To view documents from the Council meeting, please follow this link:
To view a video of the meeting, please follow this link:
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