As a courtesy to our SHPOA Members, we’re bringing you this summary of the Stone Harbor Work Session and Council Meeting on December 7, 2021.
Work Session
Evolving Budget
Portions of the 2022 Proposed Budget continued to be reviewed by the CFO Jim Craft at this meeting. These estimates are preliminary.
The operating expense budget would increase 3.3% over 2021.
Water sewer fund would increase 4.7% vs. 2022.
Capital requests total $3.5M. Some requests would be funded through the operating budget and potentially grants. The balance would be funded through new bonds/notes in the amount of $1.0M. The capital project requests break down as follows:
i. Administration – $20K
ii. Lifeguards – $25K
iii. Police – $138K
iv. Fire – $142K
v. Public Works – $1.8M
vi. Recreation – $787K
vii. Natural Resources – $600K
Questions about relocating Public Works
The Stone Harbor West Project (Relocation of Public Works) was discussed. The purchase of land in North Wildwood Boulevard is still being negotiated. Mayor Judith Davies-Dunhour and Administrator Bob Smith plan to meet with Middle Twp. officials to review the project. Councilman Ray Parzych expressed concerns with relocating Public Works to the North Wildwood Boulevard location and suggested that other locations be considered. He also noted that a comprehensive plan about the transition from the current location to the new location (to include timing and financials) has not been presented to Council. The Administrator will be developing the plan and presenting it to Council and the public soon.
Water and Sewer
The Water and Sewer Ordinance was changed in August 2021 after lengthy consideration. Previously, SMART systems were exempt from the watering schedule. However, due to reports of many SMART systems settings being overridden to water more frequently, the exemption was removed. The change prompted several objections from landscapers and homeowners. As a result, Councilman Reese Moore plans to meet with several landscapers to better understand their objections and suggestions.
Council Meeting
SHPOA Projects
Jack Kelleher, Vice President of SHPOA, reviewed the 2022 Projects of the Year. Council provided suggestions and feedback. The projects are 1) Bike Safety Signs, 2) Live stream Webcam at the new Lifeguard Headquarters. 3) Save the Beach/Bay T-Shirts.
Lawn Watering
Gary Barber, representing several local landscapers, spoke during the public comment section to object to the changes to the Water and Sewer Ordinance. As previously noted, Council member Moore plans to meet with the landscapers to understand their concerns.
Courts Ordinance
In a 3-2 vote, Council rejected an Ordinance which would allow homeowners on Bower, Stone and Weber courts and Linden Lane to add a second story. A significant number of comments were made by the public, Council, and Mayor prior to the vote. A super majority was needed for approval due to a petition submitted by over 20% of the adjoining property owners who objected to the ordinance. Additional comments from the public continued at the close of the meeting.
Generally, those in favor say the additional floor would allow owners to have second bedrooms and make room for appliances. Those opposed say that the renovations would add to parking and safety concerns.
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