As a courtesy to our SHPOA Members, we’re bringing you this summary of the Stone Harbor Work Session and Council Meeting on August 3, 2021.

Work Session: Sidewalk repairs, extended tax grace period, and more

During its work session, Borough Council discussed an ordinance which would eliminate need for a permit and reduce the fee of $1,250 for sidewalk repairs to $100 for sidewalk repairs under 48 square feet and curb repairs under five linear feet. By eliminating the permit, the Borough benefits by reducing staff hours and expending other resources on such small projects.

At its work session Borough noted that August property tax bills were mailed late due to county processing issues so Stone Harbor has extended the grace period on payments to August 23, 2021. Later, at its regular session, Council approved a resolution adjusting the deadline.

Given the Borough’s need for beach nourishment and based on input from several experts and SHPOA’s own Geoff Woolery, Borough Administrator Bob Smith asked that the Borough put out an RFP (Request For Proposal) to hire a “top gun” engineer that has experience working with Army Corp of Engineers and environmental agencies.

Council discussed the procedural mechanism needed to approve two trailers for the Villa Maria project – an unprecedented project in Stone Harbor. Current regulations forbid leaving trailers at job sites.

Administrator Smith said that the demolition of the Guard Shack will be the week after Labor Day with the guards temporarily relocating to the 80th Street Rec Center.

Following the fatal bike accident at 87th Street and 1st Avenue, Mayor Judith Davies-Dunhour met with 87th Street residents to discuss safety concerns for bikers and pedestrians. The Borough is making efforts to educate residents and visitors through the biking brochure (co-sponsored by SHPOA) and has added officers to the corners of 96th Street and 3rd Avenue.

The Public Works Department is still understaffed by nine employees and is adding, in addition to Saturday, a Friday drop off day at the 81st Street facility. For more information, please click on this link:

Council discussed the new street sweeper, costing $252,185, which will replace one that is 11 years old. The Borough has two sweepers and uses the old one as a backup, primarily on weekends. Refurbishing the old sweeper would cost $30,000. The typical life of a sweeper is six years. The Borough reached out to Avalon to share the service but Avalon’s sweepers are older and fully utilized.

The Borough announced that the Merchant Day Sidewalk Sale will be held Saturday August 28 from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

The Borough received an $84,781 Covid grant – half this year and a half next year.

Council Meeting
Council announced that a hearing on allowing homeowners on Bower, Stone, and Weber courts as well as Linden Lane to add a second story to their houses will be held on August 27.

Council Ordinance Votes
Approved Ordinance 1592 to purchase of 514 N. Wildwood Avenue in Middle Township for $1.9 million to house a portion of the Borough’s Public Works operation.
Approved Ordinance 1593 amending seasonal worker hourly rate to a maximum of $30.
Approved Ordinance 1594 which gives the Code Enforcement Officer authority to enforce the irrigation schedule.

To view documents from this meeting, please click here:

To view a recording of the meeting, please click here: