As you know, SHPOA has been actively working with the Borough of Stone Harbor to redefine the Flood Mitigation needs of our community. Although many areas are already identified as problem locations, we need as much detail as possible about the extent and severity of flooding. This is necessary to be sure that proper mitigation plans and facilities are put in place. To that end, the attached Resident Flood Water Observation Form has been created. We ask that all property owners and residents fill it out and take photos of any flooding events you encounter in Stone Harbor. It would be especially useful if you have regular observations of a location, such as flooding in front of your own property.
Please email the form and your photos to
We will compile this data and combine it with that which can be obtained from other sources. This is essential in prioritizing and designing the proper, cost effective facilities.
We appreciate your help in this matter and will keep you posted as the mitigation plans move forward.