As a courtesy to our SHPOA Members, we’re bringing you a summary of each Stone Harbor Work Session and Council Meeting. Intended as summaries, these intentionally don’t have a lot of details and are not a substitute for the official Borough minutes.
Work Session
2023 Audit Presentation
Michael Garcia, of Ford Scott & Associates LLC, presented the 2023 audit of the Borough’s books, accounts, and financial transactions. He reported that there was one significant internal control finding related to beach tag sales, and that it did not result in any misstatements in 2023 and formal corrective action had been taken. 
In addition, he commented on the Borough’s debt level and related considerations.
Finally, he discussed long-term capital spending planning and budget considerations, as well as potential strategies to manage debt service, the 2025 budget and related budgetary matters including the tax levy, spending caps, and debt ratings. 
Review of Borough Finances and Operations Representatives of the New Jersey Division of Local Government Services’ Local Assistance Bureau provided an overview of the scope for a review of Borough finances and operations that may include all aspects of Borough government, including shared services. 
The review will be provided at no cost to the Borough and is expected to result in a package of recommendations for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of Borough operations, as well as advice on available grants for funding implementation and transition costs.
Mayor Davies-Dunhour noted that there would be opportunities for Borough employees to provide input during the review and for the public to be a part of the decision-making process for any proposed actions following the review, as appropriate. 
The review may take 6-12 months. 
Public Comment
Richard Fuchs, SHPOA President, commented on the 2023 annual audit and the Borough Finances and Operations presentations review. He noted that increased focus on managing longer-term capital spending plans and budget considerations was encouraging and consistent with recommendations provided previously by SHPOA. In addition, he indicated that SHPOA continues to be very supportive of the review of Borough Finances and operations. He recommended that the review be conducted without any bias such that the recommendations can each be considered based on their merit when considering all relevant matters. 
Regular Meeting 
Approval of Ordinances and Resolutions
The Council approved several Resolutions, including: 
•Resolution S-155 – Approving the 2023 Annual Audit Report
•Resolution S-156 – Authorizing 2025 Beach Tag Design Contest 
•Resolution S-157 – Creating an Interlocal Services Agreement with Wildwood Catholic Highschool for the Use of the Recreation Fields and Tennis Courts of the Borough
•Resolution S-158 – Authorizing the Extension of Farmers Market during the 2024 season (to September 15)
•Resolution S-159 – Authorizing the Annual Classic and Vintage Car Show and Fees (Saturday, October 12)
•Resolution S-160 – Approving Special Event Applications (Chamber of Commerce-Merchants Day Sidewalk Sale on Saturday, August 24 and Sunday, August 25) 
For legislation discussed at the meeting, please click:
For a video of the meeting, please click:
NOTE: The Cape May County Herald recently had  articles related to topics covered at this Council Meeting. These articles can be found along with others as part of their coverage of Stone Harbor.
As you may know, our friends at the Cape May County Herald are offering SHPOA members only an exclusive discount for Herald subscriptions — 25% OFF with code “SHPOA” — and they are also providing your association advertising space in print and online for us to promote the association and the initiatives important to our members.
To subscribe and use the discount, please click on and use promo code “SHPOA” at checkout to claim your 25% discount. Only valid for new subscribers.
To read past Stone Harbor Council Meeting summaries, please click here:
To watch recordings of past meetings, please click here: