Stone Harbor Beach Cam, Weather Station & Tide Chart, sponsored by SHPOA          



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Camera looking north from the Stone Harbor Beach Patrol Headquarters at 95th & 1st Ave.

Camera looking south from the Stone Harbor Beach Patrol Headquarters at 95th & 1st Ave.

To view the intercoastal waterway from the Yacht Club of Stone Harbor CLICK HERE

We are experiencing issues with weather data loading, if you don’t see active info click the cloud icon below the “My Station”


Weather station data from top of Beach Patrol HQ at 95th st and 1st ave., Stone Harbor, NJ.

Sea water temperature

The water temp listed is for the Atlantic Ocean off Stone Harbor

The tides change each day. Use the tide chart to know when it will be lower so there is more room on the beach. The tides shown are for the Great Channel and are roughly one hour behind the beach.

Weather tips and FAQ’s-
1. Are there flies on the beach? – If the winds are blowing offshore (from the west or mainland) that typically will increase the number of flies on the beach.
2. You can check the weather station if you hear lightning; it will tell you how far away the strike is.

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The Stone Harbor Property Owners Association (SHPOA) is an organization whose goal is to promote and advocate for the development, improvement, and general welfare of the Borough of Stone Harbor and its environs. It is open to all property owners in Stone Harbor that pay dues. SHPOA regularly keeps its members informed of matters of importance and represents its member’s perspectives to the Borough.

If you are a property owner in Stone Harbor and are not already a member, please join by clicking on

Brought to you by SHPOA (Stone Harbor Property Owners Association) and the Borough of Stone Harbor