Trustee Job Description

The SHPOA is a body that informs membership of matters of importance to property owners of Stone Harbor.  We collectively advise and consult with Borough officials and other committee structures within our town.  We promote and advocate for the development, improvement, and general welfare of our Borough.  As such, a Trustee needs to be an active participant, contributing time and energy on issues and special projects.

Further, Trustees must:

  1. Actively support the overall mission and vision of the SHPOA as outlined in the bylaws.
  2. Participate in SHPOA’s monthly meetings, preferably in person, in addition to other committee meetings to which the Trustee has been assigned. The Trustee shall actively contribute to all discussions.  One unexcused absence is permitted per year.
  3. Represent the SHPOA collectively if asked about issues by member and non-member residents.  A Trustee must not represent his or her own view, but the collective view that has been determined by SHPOA.
  4. Introduce new ideas and concepts, in keeping with our mission, to the overall board and executive committee.

A Trustee:

  1. Serves for three years
  2. Participates in two committees, with your primary committee being your focus
  3. Must be a paying member
  4. Must own property in town
  5. Cannot be an official of the town in any capacity
  6. Maintains responsibility toward the overall mission through voting rights on key issues and decisions under the preview of the SHPOA