The SHPOA Beaches and Bays Committee represents
the member property owners in insuring the
environmental health, and the continuing
recreational vitality of the Stone Harbor Beaches and
Near Term is defined as those actions the SHPOA can
initiate immediately and can be completed within 1-2
Long Term activities are defined as efforts or projects that
SHPOA can initiate in 1 or 2 years but has an
ongoing/annual timeline which may not produce final
results or be completed within a 2 year horizon.
The beaches of Stone Harbor are its primary asset
and without a doubt are the key reason why people
live, vacation, and want to visit our island.
The long term future of the beaches will be a constant
struggle against tides, storms, rising sea levels land
subsidence and human activities.
Nature’s way is to erode, move and rebuild barrier islands.
How the Borough, the NJDEP and Corp of Engineers work
to respond to the forces of nature is of vital importance to
the property owners of SH and survival of the beaches.
1. Meet with Council Members and key SH staff to learn of Borough’s plans and
ongoing efforts for restoring and maintaining SH beaches. Communicate SHPOAs
concerns, areas of expertise, homeowner interests and assist SH in its actions.
2. Gather information on level of budgeting and financial planning underway in SH
for maintaining and restoring beaches including the dunes system. Provide input
to SH and report to our members.
3. Request the Borough to identify engineering studies, and ongoing monitoring
and data collection which provide the underpinning for Borough’s planning and
operations. Monitor results, and partner with Wetlands Institute for use of their
research and knowledge to provide effective input.
4. Annually or more frequently as appropriate, report on the state of the beaches
to our membership.
1. Become familiar with SH long term beach restoration plans. Coordinate with
Research & Studies underway at Wetlands Institute, Federal, and State Agencies
and sponsor annual “State of the Beach Workshop”.
2. Cooperate and assist Borough in efforts to prepare a Beach Survival Strategy and
3. Learn about the Boroughs long term financial plan for funding beach restoration
with or without Corps and State financial aid.
4. In cooperation with Borough, identify appropriate financial tools that are cost
effective and sustainable for the property owners’ investment in beach
restoration. Provide appropriate comments to the Borough and insure that long
term financial plan utilizes “best in class” financing mechanisms
The bays and waterways of SH are critical assets that
support recreation, transportation and hydraulic
functions for a barrier island.
The insurance of a diverse and healthy ecosystem while
maintaining the vital functions of the bay, basins, and
waterway are important to all property owners in SH.
1. Monitor current dredging contract and report to membership on schedule,
progress, and cost issues.
2. Meet and learn from the Borough Council Members and key staff on bay issues
including maintenance activities; dredging, and environmental activities. Partner
with Wetland Institute programs where they apply.
3. Raise awareness of Borough issues important to SHPOA members relative to the
Borough’s bay activities.
4. Cooperate with the Borough and Wetlands Institute to define monitoring
program that identify changes and rates of change in the bay’s and waterways.
This would include sediment loading, channel in-filling, basin and bay filling
rates, and timing for future dredging.
5. Provide updates to the Membership at both the Spring and Fall Membership
1. Prepare a lessons learned summary report on 2015 Bay Dredging
Project for use by Borough and property owners in future efforts.
2. Annually summarize Borough and Wetlands Institute Bay and
Waterway monitoring programs and work with Stone Harbor to
insure results are used in plans for future Borough activities such
as dredging work.
3. Work with Borough on a property owners and neighbors outreach
program for future dredging.
4. Learn about Borough’s Financial Plan for funding dredging and bay
restoration work and submit input, funding mechanisms used by
Borough are appropriate and sustainable. Work with Borough in
future plan updates and report to members.
One of the largest infrastructure assets of the Borough is its
water supply and wastewater systems
Water supply distribution and wastewater transportation off the island
are the Borough’s largest single use of energy.
The reliance on groundwater as our water source requires effective
stewardship to protect the quality and reliability of the supply.
Efficient use of water saves energy, protects the groundwater basin,
and insures compliance with state groundwater use limits.
Conservation of the water resources is also consistent with the “green
goals” of SH.
Neighboring communities, such as Wildwood and Cape May, have
over-pumped their groundwater and have been forced to use
desalination to combat seawater intrusion.
1. Homeowner Education Program- Annually prepare up to two educational
message pieces aimed at homeowners on the water system and need
and benefits of water conservation annually.
2. Project of the Year Identify an alternative project for SHPOA
investment to assist Borough in its water conservation efforts, i.e., soil
moisture probes, homeowner leak detection kits.
3. SHPOA Handouts: Have water conservation handouts at Borough events
such as toilet leak detectors.
4. Provide updates to the Membership at both the Spring and Fall
Membership meetings.
5. Monitor the work of the Go Green (GG) Committee and assist when
appropriate, the GG committee efforts in water conservation.
1. Work with Borough and GG Committee to identify SH water consumption
patterns and usage. Help identify opportunities for water conservation by the
Borough and property owners.
2. Encourage Borough and GG Committee to review and revise Plumbing Code and
Construction Standards to insure water conservation appliances are installed in
new homes and major remodels.
3. Encourage Borough to investigate alternative rate plans for water system which
promote water conservation and incentives for efficient water usage.
4. Assist GG Committee work with the Borough to insure landscape guidelines exist
for new construction that promote water conservation.
5. Assist Borough and Garden Club in developing landscape plantings guide which
use plantings that are water conserving, promote native species and are
consistent with the SH look.
1. Support Borough’s Natural Resource Committee and Wetlands Institute to revitalizing
the Bird Sanctuary, through blasts and communications.
2. Provide Trustee volunteers for cleanup and planting activities.
3. Participate and support additional promotional and related programmed in the
development of bird sanctuary.
V. Beach Sweep
1. Participate with Borough and the Wetlands Institute in the Clean Ocean Action
sponsored Spring and Fall Beach Sweeps.
2. Promote the Beach Sweep on SHPOA media and request Members to volunteer the
3. Request Trustees to participate to support the Beach Sweep
VI. Beach, Bay & Marsh Stories
1. Utilize resources of Wetlands Institute, Stone Harbor Borough and B&B Committee /
Members to provide a monthly report or account of Beach, Bay and Mash stories,
developments and history.
2. Post a story on SHPOA Media once per month.
Lew Ferguson
Wally Bishop